Thursday, September 08, 2005


Well I watched the 13 episodes of Gunslinger Girl. It's a good series. At first I thought it'd be slow, with the opening, but then Henrietta opened up with a machine gun and shredded some 'bad guys'. Cool. Overall the series was generally slow and thoughtful, with bouts of action here and there. It was like the violent conditioned little girls whilst fighting were counterposed with their more human sides when at ease, or training. It also gave close attention to the relationships between the 'fratello', which is the 'sibling' pairing of an adult male watcher with a little conditioned girl killing machine. Henrietta and Jose have the best relationship, since he doesn't want to condition her and treats her nicely and like a person, rather than a tool, whereas some of the other pairings aren't quite so relaxed.

The ending was a little mix of sadness and hope, and what could have been a merely bleak drama about little girl's who had lives of hell was instead a kinda uplifitng series to watch. There was always an underlying hope that everything would turn out well, and that the girls (or at least some) were truly happy. At any rate, I recommend this series to all of you anime likers, and maybe to those of you anime beginners who just want to try a series that isn't too odd. Now I've moved on to Elfen Lied, a series which I've heard, and seen, a lot about. There seem to be reviews of it everywhere, so I decided to try it. In a day or two I'll be able to watch it all, so that's something to look forward too. Gaining Evangelion was put on hold, since it's over 8GB for the series and movies, and I'm quite content to bide myself with smaller series. Once I've watched Elfen I'll probably go for Saikano, since that looks interesting too.

At any rate, I guess I should get some sleep so I don't look and feel like a zombie. Till next time.


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