Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Shopping was on the agenda this morning as in the morning I went into Eastbourne. I managed to find a suitable present for my girlfriend's dad, so I just need to buy a combined one for her sister and boyfriend. I already know what I'll get them, so it's a question of finding it. I'll probably just look around closer to the time. I still have to wrap up all the presents, but I have enough time I reckon. After that I came back home, rather hurriedly got everything ready, then went into university since SWARM still runs during the holidays, though admittedly with smaller groups. There were a fair few people still there though, however most of the previous Paranoia XP group weren't around. As such I ran the game with three players, only two of whom had been in the previous game. Even so the new player, who'd been a bit iffy about joining, quite enjoyed it, and afterwards was relating his exploits to other people. Excellent, excellent... There were quite a few games of Magic the Gathering too, and I came to realise that though my decks work I'm not enjoying them as much. This is probably because I have a shedload of ideas for new decks but simply haven't built them yet. I'll get round to it when my next order from Merlin's Games arrives... Then I can build my milling/repeating deck which'll be fun, I'll be able to alter my artifact deck and make a few more, and I'll quite possibly make a sliver/equipment deck. Those should be interesting to play.

One recurring point I kept stating was how awesome my new gargoyle model was. As Game didn't get any Nintendo Wii's in today, which was unfortunate, I went wandering around and popped into Phantasia. There they had some Confrontation miniatures, and when I saw the gargoyle it was immediately mine. I also bought a few lightly armoured skeletons which looked fantastic, but it was the gargoyle that truly called to me. Ever since I really got into Dungeons & Dragons I've wanted a gargoyle character, yet never quite had the model for it and the task of sculpting one was quite daunting. Ages ago when looking through a Confrontation miniature catalog I'd seen the gargoyle model and wanted it, yet had no method to buy it. Well, seeing it today naturally led to the purchase. It's this one - and as you can see, it's pretty nifty. I'll most likely be painting it in a darker marble colour scheme, mostly black and dark grey with veins of green in the stone and weathered edges. I do hope it'll look quite nice, though it'll be moderately hard to do since I've never really tried to paint marble before. I'll most likely get the basing done tonight then start painting it on friday, as well as getting the sculpting on the Diabolus finished then. This means that by next wednesday I'll hopefully have a finished gargoyle and an almost finished Diabolus. It's all good eh? At any rate I'm off to watch more Busou Renkin as I realised I'd been forgetting to get the updates for that series, so till next time.


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