Thursday, May 25, 2006

The animag fix.

Today was certainly short. I was up as usual for a college start of 8.50am. It was supposed to be lesson, 2 hour gap, lesson, home at 1.05pm. English language was basically a few tips for the exams and a long debate about what to do tomorrow for the last ever lesson. It was settled on a game of extended pictionary I believe. During the big gap I had in the middle of the day I played Magic the Gathering. I had my life-draining Orzhov deck against my mate's card-discarding Dimir deck. I completely floored him, ending the game on 24 life whilst he had none. He did manage to get rid of a fair few of my cards, but I still had 27 or so left in my deck at the end. All in all quite a solid victory then. It was quite interesting seeing almost parallel effects of my deck with to do with discarding cards. Had he got a better hand the game could easily have gone the other way, and as it was he still managed to make me discard some of my best cards. After that it was psychology, which started at midday. I arrived late at 12.05pm. The class was let out at 12.08pm. Quick class really. The teacher said there was no point in us staying if it was our last lesson as we could do the simple question sheet at home. That quite helped really. I could have gone home a couple of hours earlier had I known, but oh well.

Since I had enough spare time I decided to go to Brighton to check on dave's Comics. They did indeed have the newest issue of NewType USA reserved for me, so I duly bought it. Though they still didn't have the 10th volume of Bleach in which I'd ordered almost 2 months ago they did have volume 7 of Hellsing on the shelf. As I'd nabbed the first 6 rather cheap I figured buying one at normal price wouldn't hurt, so I bought that too. Other than that I didn't really do any other shopping. I went into david's Books and glanced at the Magic the Gathering cards but it wasn't really anything more than cursory. I ended up going home pretty soon after that, and managed to get home at 2.10pm. Had I finished college at 1.05pm as I expected, I would've got the 1.35pm train, got to Polegate at 2.10pm, and arrived home by 2.24pm. That's how fast I was in Brighton, I was still home earlier than I normally would have been. Naturally the moment I got in I read Hellsing. Jeebus, it's damn cool. I ended up reading it twice, as the Mercenaries are rather unfortunate which leads to Seras going true Vampire and inflicting a royal beatdown on the Nazis she encounters. Very cool indeed, even though she sustained horrendous injuries. As the manga got me in an anime mood (as always) I ended up reading NewType USA and discovering I was already following most of the showcased 'currently airing in Japan' anime. As such I updated the Soul Sociery forums then went to watch more anime.

It was a bit of a shame but I didn't have much to watch at all. 2 episodes of Yume Tsukai and the updates for Bleach, Naruto, Himawari and Witchblade. Yet again only 6 episodes which is a shame. I'm sorely tempted to download Jigoku Shoujo now in order to have a full series to watch. Admittedly I still have 5 episodes of Burst Angel to watch but as they're soft subbed they take longer and I'll want to watch them all in a row. Yume Tsukai was as quirky as ever with the dreams, and a recurrent theme of love is emerging, as all the dreams are focused on that in some way or another. The Bleach filler wasn't too bad as it wasn't painful to watch, just not as good as the manga. naruto however was painful. They had Shino laugh due to a weird poison, and it completely obliterated much of his character. It's almost enough to warrant mourning. Himawari had more ninja escapades, this time with the ditzy ninja girl doing her best to infiltrate a mansion. Good thing those traps weren't overly lethal... Witchblade seemed to be more of a development episode as it lacked any fighting. A bit odd as the second episode contrasts with the first a fair bit, but it was still interesting to watch.

My plans for the next half week are going well. Though I won't see my girlfriend on saturday I'll still see her on sunday, as well as monday and tuesday. That rocks quite a bit, so I'm looking forward to the incredibly extended weekend, due to study leave. That wraps up everything pretty much, so till next time.


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