Wednesday, May 24, 2006

More exams.

Sigh. I had no lessons at all today, and could have got the morning off. However, I had 2 sociology exams. Therefore, no morning off. Well damn it then. That annoyed me slightly, but in the end I did some revision before the exams anyway. It actually came in useful, s 4 of the names I revised I was able to put in the various essays. The exams themselves were as boring as hell, and worse than the actual sociology methods exam. I didn't think that was possible. Both exams were an hour and 15 minutes, and had 6 questions in, marked at 2, 4, 6, 8, 20 and 20 respectively. I had almost a 5 minute gap between each question and still had 15 minutes at the end through which I slept. Ye gods. To me the questions weren't challenging at all. This is probably was because they were AS questions, and most of my studies are focused on A2, the next year up which is naturally harder. A2, now those I can find vexing, heh. After the exams I just went home after chatting to a few people, and chilled out for 2 hours before work. I actually enjoyed work today, as for the first 3 hours I just stood around and repositioned items on the shelves to make them look tidier. Seriously. When I did manage to get home I was thankful for yet more rest, then duly started to watch the customary anime.

I didn't manage much however as I still felt slightly tired. I watched the update for School Rumble 2nd Term today as I didn't get time yesterday after the post. There was also the first episode of the series Yume Tsukai, which is about a family who are termed Yume Tsukai (shock, horror, surprise) that effectively exorcise dreams that manifest in the real world. The first dream in the starting episode was created by a lesbian's unrequieted love. Some strange stuff. However it wasn't too bad, so it looks like I'm following yet another series. That makes 'quite a few' now. The Kamisama Kazoku episode I saw yesterday wasn't too bad. As my mate said the animation wasn't exactly amazing, but it was passable. The whole family structure was pretty funny for me, and since I tend to finish series I start I figured I may as well keep watching it. Even if it gets worse it'll still kill time. Hell, I still watch the Naruto fillers, and they've inlicted more damage to my inner child than any form of atomic-based weapon could. Other than that I've not really watch any anime at all. I did read the Gantz and Mahou Sensei Negima manga updates, and I have to admit Gantz was a lot cooler when Kei knew what was going on. After the forced memory loss of everything to do with Gantz when he chose to be let free from the game, which includes a lack of knowledge about his long term girlfriend who happened to die and was brought back (also with the associated memory loss), he's a bit of a wuss. Exactly like at the start of the manga then. Hmm. Oh well, he's the next target for a group of vampire killers, so that's gotta be interesting. As for anime I have to watch, I should be able to see the second episode of Yume Tsukai as well as the Himawari update, finally. Excellent stuff then. Till next time.


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