Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Yet more updates.

Another short college day, comprised of a law lesson, break, then a sociology lesson. Law was fine as it recapped stuff I needed to know, such as case names. Sociology was boring as it recapped stuff I already know, such as the whole family topic. On the plus side I managed to play yet more Monster Hunter on the train, before law, after law, after sociology and on the train home too. Nifty. I finally went up against the first Wyvern, and though it was the weakest it was still harsh. It managed to kill me twice before I floored it, and if you die 3 times you fail the mission. Very close indeed. I'm now working on the two star quests, which I intend to repeat quite a few times like the previous ones. It'll give me much needed money and should allow me to get armour that's defence 20 instead of 8. I kinda need it. By now I have 2 main weapons. I started with a bone kiris and worked it up to bone scythes, and got another bone kiris and have got that to the stage before the scythes. This is because the stage before is a single weapon and has a shield, so I can guard. Scythes are dual weapons, so they attack fast but it's impossible to defend. Therefore scythes can result in a lot of personal pain if I miss the first lunge... After college was work, and thet passed without incident. I just basically counted down the time again in 5 and 10 minute segments as always.

Anime followed work once I got home, but before that something better happened. My new DVD burner and 2GB pen drive arrived today. 2 days for delivery, that's not bad at all. I've already started filling the pen drive with stuff to print out at college, as I have lots of unused free printing credit spanning both years, and already the burner is proving itself useful. 8X burn speed is much more convenient than an old busted 4x burner. The actual anime I watched was another 3 episodes of Desert Punk, which are the last ones subbed at all, and the updates for Bleach, Yakitate Japan, Ray the Animation and School Rumble 2nd Term. All of them were pretty good, though the Bleach filler was me wonder as to what's going on in the anime creating team's collective heads. Seriously, it had more of a pure comedy series feel than actual Bleach-ness. School Rumble continued to amuse with hanai and Harima battling it out for the girls they like. Poor guys, heh. I'll have to end it there since it's getting late and I need to do a bit of revision for another mock exam question for law tomorrow, plus I want to play more Monster Hunter before I go to bed. Therefore adios to you all early. Till next time.


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