Monday, May 15, 2006

Nothing's happened.

As the title indicates, not much happened at all today. In fact it was pretty barren. No games of Magic the Gathering. No running around outside. No overly exciting or unusual lessons. In fact the only thing I did today at college, apart from try not to fall asleep, was play more Monster Hunter on the PSP. At first it was hard to get to grips with and I couldn't work out why everything was so restrictive. Then I found the intro quests. Ah. After having some of the basic skills explained to me it suddenly all became clearer, and now I'm enjoying the game a lot more. When I got home I almost bought a laptop from, but eventually decided against it as I'd have the money in 2 months, and f I took the 'Pay in 9 months time!' deal I would've spent more on it that the retail price, which renders it ultimately pointless. In all likelihood therefore I'll just buy a laptop in around 2 months time. It's a bit longer to wait, but oh well. I also played some Guild Wars, but nothing much happened there either. I tried to do the mission I was on, yet no teams were being made and I couldn't be bothered to take henchmen. I also tried selling my Guild since I have no need of it, yet no one seemed to be interested despite a low price. I guess it was a largely uneventful day as a whole.

Indeed, even the anime reflects this. I only had 2 episodes to watch today, just 2. The Kiba update and The Gargoyle of the Yoshinagas first episode. Kiba finally had the Joust final fight, which made me grin more than anything. Sheer ferocity from Zed, lots of broken promises from his opponent. Yoshinagas was strange, but enjoyable. It went immediately into the cutesy loyalty bond between a Guide dog and the owner's daughter, showed how easily trust could be broken, and often it was renewed. The gargoyle itself was able to move around a surprising amount, considering it's limbs never moved... Other than that there's been no updates at all, which is almost depressing. Without an abundance of anime my thoughts actually have to focus on the exam tomorrow. I guess I'll manage a fair amount of revision tomorrow. As I've no got any more anime to watch for the moment, till next time.


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