Sunday, May 28, 2006

Happy days here again.

Today went a lot better than I assumed it would. My break at work was at midday exactly, so when I went back to work at 12.30pm I had the full 4 hour shift till I finished, which is the longest you can legally go without a break in this country. Well, damn. At least that's what I thought. For the next 3 hours I didn't have many customers at all, and spent roughly a third of my time on an empty till. That was pretty freaking nice really. The last hour was quite hectic as people seemed to remember the store was actually going to close, but at that point there was only an hour to go so the thought of my girlfriend easily got me through. After work I got to spend time with her and it was incredibly soothing. We ended up watching half of an old chinese kung fu movie, and I marvelled at the lack of motion sickness the characters had even with all the endless spinning. Then it was some crime mystery TV which wasn't too bad, even though it's not really my thing. I also helped with some conversion work. My girlfriend wanted to make a standard bearer for her demonette unit in the Cult of Slaanesh army, so I sculpted the tentacled arm and also designed the banner. Even though it's late I still need to pack my case for the game tomorrow, and with luck I'll be able to paint most of the banner for tomorrow. I certainly hope so at any rate.

When I did get back home it was quite late, so I had no time to watch any anime at all. I basically updated the forum and then came here to post. I have to watch - the remaining 22 episodes of Jigoku Shoujo and the updates for Yakitate Japan, Kamisama Kasoku, xxxHOLiC and the Full metal Panic OVA, whilst I still have to get the Himawari and latest Yakitate Japan updates, plus another OVA called Cat Soup which is apparantly Alice in Wonderland on LSD. Sounds interesting then. Since I've not watched anything I'll have to leave it here, and I'll be off to ready my army case and get a banner made. Till next time.


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