Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lots of obliteration.

Today went exceedingly well. It all started with meeting my girlfriend at midday and going to Brighton, where we watched X-Men 3. To avoid further spoilers (in reference to the title of this post) I can only say - 'Hot Damn'. It is a fantastic movie, which actually shocked me in places. Some things I just did not expect at all. It was a great experience. After that we got snacks to eat, one of which was Pocky. Gotta love the chocolate covered mini breadsticks from Asia. After that it was back to Eastbourne and to games Workshop, whereupon I started playing Necromunda. After a short while my girlfriend decided to go home as she still felt a bit ill due to her cough, so after saying goodbye I proceeded to completely lose the first game for my Spyrer gang. Ye gods, 2 got taken out and I did no damage. One of those got -1 toughness, and the other just died permanently. Christ. I disbanded them and started again with a similar lineup. Spyrers start with around 5 men, compared to the usual 12 or so, can't buy more men once they start, and can't buy more equipent either. They do however get harsh, quickly if they survive. I lost the first game with the second band yet improved immensely, and due to that in the second game kicked my friend's arse all over the place. One model, a single Malcadon, took out 5 people alone through insane shooting. That rocked.

When I got back home I decided to watch anime, yet had to update the Soul Society forum first. In the end it took so long I didn't have much time at all, so decided to quickly write this. I still have the 22 episodes of Jigoku Shoujo and the Himawari update to watch, but now I also have the Ah! My Goddess, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Juuousei and Black Lagoon updates to watch, as well as the rest of Desert Punk to get. Speed grapher rests on the sidelines, waiting for a change to actually be set running in utorrent. I've definitely not finished getting all of Angel either, as that's currently paused for anime updates. Quite a filled download schedule then. le sigh. If only I had more time. Luckily tomorrow I'm not doing anything till I need to go to work at 2.35pm, so in the morning I should burn my way through a fair amount and hopefully be up to date-ish. So then, till next time.


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