Sunday, October 16, 2005


I managed to finish watching the next 4 episodes of Gun X Sword, bringing me up to date sub-wise as only the first 8 have been released unfortunately. As such I started downloading and watching Shuffle! and have managed to watch the first 9 episodes. It's a great feel-food anime, though also fits quite steadily into the harem genre. The main guy, Rin, lives with his childhood friend kaede since both his parents and her mother died in the same accident. She naturally likes him, and he's semi-aware of it. Another friend, Asa likes him too, but tries not to admit it to herself or others. Not only that, but in the history of the anime the realm of Gods and realm of Demons opened, and since then many gods and demons (who look very similar to people except for their ears) emigrated and integrated, joining schools etc etc. Sia and Narine, princesses of the Gods and Demons respectively, both like Rin since 8 years ago when they were lost (seperately, not together) Rin found them and was kind to them, playing and having fun to cheer them up and so forth. As such the Lord of Gods and Lord of Demons (who seem to be great friends) and nominated him as the marriage candidtate for their daughters. What this means is that if he choses one of the other races, he either becomes Lord of the Gods, or Demons. Quite a bit of power. The show overall is relatively normal lifestyle-wise, and not too much fuss is made over the other races, they're treated just like normal people. That's the basic premise, and of course there's a small amount of jealosy from Kaede. There's apparantly 24 episodes or so of it, yet only 12 have been subbed so far. So, I'll have the rest of those by tomorrow and once I'm done with those I'll be onto Trigun!

Trugun's actually quite close, and my schedule is moving on quite fast. As I pointed out last post, I assumed Shuffle! would take up monday's download slots too. Well, that's not to be, so hopefully Trigun won't be too long. At 26 episodes, it should take at the least 3 or 4 nights, so meh. Today I also went down to Sainsbury's to try and get a job. Yes, sainsbury's. I need the money for a new computer rather badly, bleh. Anyway they didn't have any application forms, but I'll pick one up tomorrow. With any luck I'll soon be a Customer Service Dest attendant. Woohoo an' all that, yay. Ah well, it's for a good cause. My computer problems seem rather sporadic. The other day I managed to reencode a whole 2 episodes of anime to a smaller format, which was fantastic. However when trying to make something MPEG4, the computer shut down again. Hmm, rather selective. By Christmas, if my plan goes well, I'll be having my friend build a much better computer, so that's all good. That's about everything really, so till next time.


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