Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Just finished watching the DearS series. Takeya (main male character) doesn't seem to get many breaks, and by the end of the series still doesn't admit much to himself. Several things are left unresolved (i.e. the childhood friend doesn't even confess) but Ren stays ok, Miu becomes a good friend, and there's roughly general happiness. Unfortunately when he finally decides he wants Ren to stay around, he says it defiantly with a 'I am Ren's Master!' which a) makes Ren feel better, b) makes himself feel stupid because he actually acknowledged he was her master, and c) let EVERYONE know of the 'relationship'. Naturally everyone assumed the bad version of the Slave/Master thing. Whoops eh? Still, it was funny while it lasted (12 episodes and another unaired one) and was a pleasant little watch. It wasn't superstar spectacular, or an all time great, but much of it was very cute so that was all ok, and it had the funniest mini-break animation (for adverts to go) that I've seen in a while.

I'll be giving my comp a rest tonight, so Tenjou Tenge won't start up properly till tomorrow. I can easily wait, since I've been watching a ridiculous amount lately and a small reprieve wouldn't go amiss. I'll just end up playing my lovely white PSP (hurrah! hurrah!) a lot more, listening to music etc etc etc. Happy happy joy joy. Other than that there isn't much news to report anime-wise, so I guess I may as well natter away about my personal life, barren that it is, to fill space and to have something to type. I doubt many people read this anyway. So, ahem. At college I'm either the 'zany' eclectic weird friend or the supportive friend who gives advice, and those are the two niches I use with my friends. Hence I actually have quite a few, which is always nice. However I've loved my best friend for the past 4 years, but since I'm a good supportive friend to her, I even helped her get together with a guy she liked, and talked her through any doubts she had, just to make her happy. You know in anime and TV the unrequieted love friend will say 'As long as she/he's happy, then I'm ok.'? Well that's complete and utter bull. Every time I see them together it hurts like a freaking bitch, but hey, I can't do nything about it because I'm not -that- cruel, and I'd hate to make her sad. That'd be worse than how I feel already.

Not only that though, but there's 2 other girls I'm friends with, who I'm starting to develop feelings for. It's probably just because I'm really good friends with them, but still, it sucks. I don't really know what to do about either one of them, except to continue being a friend. I've been thinking of asking one of them out, but then I just freeze up inside and think of my best friend, and then feel even worse. It's pathetic I know, and also rather stupid of me and I should just let it go, but I can't help but feel bad. And it just gets worse, and I fully realise that I'm being an undecisive stupid ass, and that doesn't help either. I could complain about how complicated life is, but that'd just be selfish of me since I know damn well some people in the world are dying from horrible diseases, or are living in terrible conditions, and compared to them I'm doing brilliantly. So overall, it feels as though my life if craptacular, though in reality it's a good deal better than some people's lives. Well, damn.

At any rate I feel much better now I've got that off my chest. Typing it out makes me feel as if I'm -almost- talking about it to someone, and it's just a relief to be frank. Now I have a slightly larger peace of mind. Blog entries like this will be incredibly rare and far-between, so if you're a regular reader, or someone wondering why on earth I have a blog, consider this post a one-off in emotional terms. Till next time then.


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