Sunday, November 13, 2005

More work.

The workload today was much better than yesterday. I went from just over 2200 words overall in my english language coursework to 3100. That leaves just 900 to write on wednesday and thursday, and I still have 5 topics to write on and a conclusion to finish, as well as allowing for the contents page. All in all therefore, I'm doing rather well. writing about 2450 words in a weekend for coursework alone however was not a fun experience. I do not look forward to any future home writing, and I still need to do a sociology essay for the week after next. Bah, bah I say. At least when I get free time I'll be able to play Burnout Legends on my PSP. I've played it a bit already in crash mode, that was intensely fun. Plus there's something like 89 or so cars to unlock overall and you start with about 3. Wow.

I managed to finish watching all of the Najica series, it had a reasonably good ending though I couldn't help but feel more could have been done with it. It was entertaining whilst it lasted, and now I'm back to relying on updates. With so many series to wait for it at least means I always have something to do. I've been listening to quite a bit of music and watching quite a bit of TV today while I worked, so overall I've ended the day with a low stress level. I took lots of breaks too, and had a good dinner, so today could've gone a lot worse. The anime suitably helped me to perk up my mood. That's about it really, so till next time.


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