Saturday, November 12, 2005


Today sucked quite heavily as a whole. I ended up spending several hours simply writing 1200 words of my english coursework, then another 1600 to start and finish my law essay. Luckily that got the essay out of the way at least, and I only have to write just under 1800 words in total now to finish up my coursework. Counting the conclusion, introduction, title page, bibliography and contents pages I need to write, it shouldn't be that much really as I have tomorrow, wednesday and thursday free, thank heavens. Halfway through the day I actually went to Eastbourne for a breather, and bought a PSP game, Burnout egends, and the Family Guy DVD - Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story. I'm actually watching the Family Guy DVD now, it's currently paused whilst I type. As a result of all this my hands hurt like hell, but at least I can rely on comedy and crashing to improve my mood.

I also managed to catch the 16th episode of Shuffle! and I have 9 episodes of Najica to watch, which I should manage tomorrow if I'm alive after my coursework session. With any luck I'll just be able to sit down and constantly write absolute waffle and still get marks for it. Hey, it's worked so far. I'll leave you all now, with pain in my hands and Family Guy running in the background. Till next time, if I live...


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