Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Today was uneventful at college, and unfortunately the s-CRY-ed download only finished 2 episodes with another 2 at 99%. However the two finished ones are ep 4 and 7, and the unfinished are 5 and 6. This means that I'd usually run the torrent for a bit then watch all 4. However the tracker doesn't seem to be connecting at all, so bleh, don't think I'll be getting anymore s-CRY-ed tonight. To compensate, and because lots of people are playing it, I'm downloading Albatross18, an online game known in Japan as Pangya. It's basically golf with cute anime characters and insane shots like 'tomahawks' and 'cobras' but it looks quite cool, and if it doesn't crash my PC or lag like an evil monster then it'll pass the time nicely.

I've also been playing quite a bit of Marvel nemesis on the PSP. I've got 11 characters out of 18 unlocked so far, since to unlock another character you have to complete the game with one already available. Since you start with only 2 it takes a bit of time. Other than that I've not really been playing many games lately, since I mostly use my PSP to listen to music. At the moment it's a load of Advent Children music, since I like that a lot. It's tempting to convert the movie into MPEG$ so I can watch it on the PSP. Hmm. Well then, till next time.


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