Thursday, October 20, 2005


Thanks to my internet provider going down yesterday evening, I wasn't able to download overnight. Well, damn. As such I've only managed to gain and watch the next 2 episodes of Trigun, bringing the total watched to 14. Not only that but there haven't been any series updates today, so it's been rather uneventful anime-wise. My friends received the script for the first manga chapter quite well, so that pleased me, and jake already started drawing out the first manga page. The initial cover and few beginning pages as in most manga (blank, title page, etc etc) still need to be done, but my other mate is taking care of that so everything's going well.

With my workload I think I managed to pull off a miracle. Since I felt absolutely terrible this morning due to a slight lack of sleep, my english language teacher actually seemed quite worried about me, and actually told me to schedule in some rest during half term. I found that quite funny. When she looked at my work she also said that I was working very well, and was definately on track. Since she seemed sincere I also found that entertaining, as it meant she thought my hour's worth of work was equal to 4 hour's worth of work which I was supposed to do. Bonus. For law my revision paid off, as I managed to include pretty much everything in the essay about the evil topic of causation. With any luck I'll have actually got a good grade. I also managed to hand my revised personal statement to my tutor again, so that should be checked (again) and returned (again) shortly. After all this exertion, partly due to a slight misjudgement of my time management and schedule, I reckon I'll take my english language teacher's advice and sleep through most of half term. That should be relaxing. Till next time then.


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