Monday, November 14, 2005

Slow day.

Not much happened today really. College was okay, I just didn't really do much. This morning on the train however it was quite entertaining since my friend was playing on his PSP so intently that he left his bag on the train itself. By the time he'd realised and gone to talk to the staff it was well on it's way to London. He managed to get it back by the end of the day, but it was still greatly entertaining. I kept making jokes about how he should home it wasn't taken away for controlled explosion. At any rate I spent most of my free time at college playing Burnout Legends. It's a fantastic game, constantly running other cars of the road is just pure entertainment, it's a simple formula that works completely.

I haven't actually watched any nime today so far, since I haven't had anything new to see. Currently the 6th episode of Solty Rei is downloading, so that should be watchable soon. Other than that it's been mostly music and TV, and there hasn't been much on TV either. At the moment I have the Spiderman movie running in the background on my TV, so that at least provides interesting dialogue as I type, heh. Till next time then.


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