Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Quite a filled day. I woke up early-ish, read more Terry Pratchett. I then went to work in the afternoon, and that was incredibly hectic. For a wednesday afternoon and evening it was only avweragely crowded, yet the stream of customers was neverending. It was just strange. The time passed quickly enough, but I got no rest. As such when I got home I intended to relax, but had a fair amount of stuff to do. I managed to update the Soul Society forum, as I do every day, then I worked my way through the anime I had to watch (detailed later, as always). After that I did some more revision for law, most notably Common Assault and battery, ABH, GBH and Wounding with Intent. I then realised I still had a picture to colour for one of my friends, and I'm going round his house tomorrow and staying over as he's hosting a LAN party, so I need to colour that once this post is written. I also still have the large amount of manga I've not read to eventually get through, comprising of the whole of Love Hina (though I've read some random volumes), Death Note and the latest chapter of Gantz, not to mention I need to get more of Kashimashi and haven't done so for a fair amount of time. Curses. If days were longer I'd be generally happier as a whole. Oh well. Looks like next week I'll be busy catching up on a lot of reading.

In the miniature animarathon I saw the last 8 episodes of Desert Punk and the updates for Bleach, Yakitate Japan, Yume Tsukai and Strawberry Panic. Desert Punk became more serius towards the end, and there was quite an unexpected twist. It was very good indeed, and I'm glad I watched the series. Bleach had a Bounto flashback which demonstrated how the Dolls were summoned, so that was interesting and not a bad filler really. Yakitate Japan managed a new record with how much they knew they had viewers watching the show. The amount of references were quite impressive, but it was still a good episode with lots of implausible baking techniques and reactions. In Yume Tsukai it was certainly an odd dream which was solved, yet there was an implied worse dream at the very end... kinda freaky. Etoile-sama demonstrated how kind she could be to a student she's developing feelings for, by tutoring french. It was nice to watch, and strangely calming. A nice way to end my anime watching on a hectic day. That about wraps it up, now I have manga to read and a picture to colour. Till next time.


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