Saturday, June 03, 2006

The tedium medium.

Argh, yet more work. Today visted a large irony upon me. A painful one also. I was appointed to one of the express tills, which I now dislike immensely, so I immediately asked to be moved after my first break. They agreed, and I went to the till. It was really quiet. I thought that was quite odd, as I hate the express tills due to the insanely long customer queues. After my break I was moved onto a normal till, within sight of my old one. All the normal tills seemed to have either queues, or constant streams of customers. Gah. I was on my favourite type of till, with the worst possible amount of customers which are usually associated with the express tills. God damn it all. I was thwarted again. In the end I managed to make it through the day with my head filled with thoughts about Spyrers and my girlfriend, alternating of course. Without those two topics of cognition I think I would have gone insane. I'm not looking forward to it much tomorrow either. After work I was able to spend a blissful evening with my girlfriend, and watched her take part in a D&D boardgame session. She happened to die twice, and was completely and permanently out. It was quite harsh really. After that I watched some of the Darkstalkers anime with her, and had to explain a large amount of it. The anime seems to rely on the watcher having played the games to know who everyone is.

After I got home (a bit sadly as I had to part with my girlfriend) I looked at the time, sighed, and came here to write this. Anime-wise I have the Inukami update to watch, as well as the Fate Stay Night update. No doubt I'll watch those two before I go to sleep. I also have the Ergo Proxy update and the 6 most recent episodes of Magical Pokan, since I've changed to a group that actually updates with releases. Unfortunately the format they use is .mkv which implies soft subs. Not to my personal taste, but better than nothing after all. Angel series 1 to 5 is also a good deal closer to completing, and should be done within 2 or 3 days, since I keep turning it off for other updates. In non-anime related news I found a few extra types of Spyrer, created by normal gamers, so they're just House Rules. However they fit in with the other Spyrers well, and I intend to playtest them and create a second, and most likely third, Spyrer gang for use in the 2 or 3 person campaign I've got running. It'll certainly give me a fair bit of variety, as though each group will be small, they'll all be very different indeed. Alas, I've run out of things to say. Till next time.


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