Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Yes, yes indeed. Today I did a whole lot of lounging around. Nothing much happened at all really, so I shall now think of anything and everything to say in order to bulk this post up. Huzzah. I downloaded and tried to play Kal Online, another free MMO. It wasn't too bad till the graphics problems arose. I think it made my Ati-made card sneeze or something, as the 'VPU Recovery' error message came up twice, and made my screen go horribly glitchy. Imagine lots of squares over the whole screen, showing parts of the screen blurred and in the wrong places. It was mildly annoying, so after a while playing with that graphical mess I ended up quitting the game, rebooting my computer, then uninstalling said game. At least it was fun whilst it lasted, and I managed to get a few levels. Wasted effort I know, but meh. I looked around for a few other games to try out of a strange mix of curiosity and boredom, but only found 2 that looked aesthetically pleasing, then couldn't be bothered to download them. I believe my body contains almost as much apathy as blood sometimes. Yes, 8 or so litres of apathy. I did some forum updating but there wasn't that much to do overall, so I swiftly moved onto watching quality TV (i.e. channel hopping) then got through half of the Ultraviolet movie before I decided to do something else.

Since I felt like having a varied day, and hadn't yet watched anime, I proceeded to do so. Bleach, Utawarerumono, Black Lagoon, 2 episodes of Powerpuff Girls Z and 3 of the new series I mentioned last post, Binbou Shimai Monogatari were all dutifully watched in short order. Bleach had the big form of the Bound's doll, Gestelle (I no doubt got that spelling wrong and can't be bothered to check), which was slightly interesting. Utawarerumono had yet more conversations with a masked Emperor who turned out to be an Empress, and Black Lagoon was simply awesome. Revy and Roberta fighting like crazy. That was hugely entertaining. Powerpuff Girls Z had yet more of the weird style, but I watched it anyway. As for Monogatari, it wasn't too bad at all. The bond between the two poor sisters seems to be rather strong indeed, and they certainly seem like nice people. If they weren't I'm sure it wouldn't exactly be a good anime. (For others at least, I'm more than happy with cruel or evil main characters.) Checking Tokyotosho just before I came here to post this, I now have a Rec DVD special to get as well as updates for Kiba and Strawberry Panic, which means that tomorrow after my best friend is gone I'll be able to remain up to date even with limited time. How convenient. As such, till next time.


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