Saturday, July 22, 2006

Oho, walking.

I got up just before midday and had a reasonably good breakfast as I knew I'd be doing some walking today, and having energy is always preferable. I met my girlfriend after she finished work at 1pm, and we went down to the coast since it was a short walk. Whilst there we are marinated baby octopi, and they were quite... odd. My girlfriend really likes them, but I've not ever had them before. Some parts were freakishly 'mushy' when bitten into. I could only eat one whole one and nibble at another. They're not really my thing. The ice cream we had a short while later was nice however, and we continued to walk along the coast and into Meads (Meeds?), where she showed me loads of places she used to go when she was little. It was quite nostalgic for her from what I could tell, even though many of the buildings had changed. After that we decided to walk back to her house in Eastbourne and picked up a pizza on the way back. We ended up watching a few anime shows, Fullmetal Alchemist and Mezzo DSA being two of them, as well as several TV programs that she follows. All varied and all interesting, so that was pretty cool, especially watching more South Park.

When I did get home I swiftly updated the forum and checked for anime updates, and there were only 2 - Utawarerumono and Coyote Ragtime Show. I watched the first episode of the latter, along with some other updates, early this morning at around 2 am, and it was superb. The twelve sisters, androids who are a group of killers for a crime syndicate, were simply impressive. All dressed in various forms of the 'Gothic Lolita' style, though one wore a nice suit and another had a spanish-style dress, they simply struck a chord with me and I liked them immediately. The fact that they managed to kill a ridiculous number of guards quickly was also a point in their favour. The guy called 'Mister', who they were after, was similarly cool, though only because he managed to fire a very well-placed missile, and created a tsunami made of stupidly large wurms. Yeah, you have to see it. I'll be watching the 2 updates now since I'm surprisingly up to date, so as such, till next time.


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