Saturday, July 15, 2006

Just about.

Hmm. A work intensive day it is then. The morning was pretty good, as it wasn't too busy, but not empty enough to bore me. The afternoon however? The moment it hit midday queues appeared from literally nowhere, and I was swamped for the next 6 hours. Jeebus freaking Christ. That was, to put it frankly, 'not pleasant'. That's also putting it politely and not describing it with the aid of all the stress it accumulated.... Bah. Luckily I was taken off the till 20 minutes early, and I think it was that which saved my mind from just breaking. I only had to collect returns for the last 20 minutes, and thanks to a 'damaged bag' (bag with a damaged product inside it) having holes, the resulting spill which I just had to stand around for took 15 minutes. Well, that was a good result at least. During my break in the middle of the day to try and get some fresh air I walked across to Blockbuster and bought 2 games for only £5 as they're 3 years old-ish now. Chaos League, a PC game that is essentially a rip off of Games Workshop's tabletop game Blood Bowl yet still fun, and Max Payne 2, also for the PC. Though I've not played Max Payne 1, the second game looked nice enough for me to get almost on impulse, and it'll mainly be for my laptop. With luck it'll provide hours of random entertainment when out and about on trains.

After work when round my girlfriend's place we decided to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, since she'd not seen it yet had seen the first 3 movies. She seemed to like it, and though I'm still annoyed about the lack of a Quidditch World Cup match scene, seeing Voldemort some more still retained the old 'cool' value it did the first time. For some reason my girlfriend laughed at odd times, which simply reinfoces my assumption that her sense of humour is almost as eclectic as her, heh. The movie ate up pretty much all my time round her place, so I had to return home not long after the movie finished unfortunately. As such for something to do as I didn't feel tired, I went onto SilkRoad Online once more. There are only a few days of the gold ticket left now, about 4. This means that in just over half a weak I can take a few days rest from it without worrying if I'm wasting ticket time or not. During my time online I managed to finally, at long last, complete the 'kill 1000 flower ghosts' the third and last time and collected the reward. After that it was almost immediately onto hunting Yeowas, a medusa-like creature without the snakes for hair. I need to get 300 scales, and it's a quest doable 5 times. 1500 scales eh? Well.... damn. I had to overrun the ticket time for the day slightly by 6 minutes, but I managed to hit level 37, so that was good. 4 days left for 3 complete levels. Possible? I hope so.

On the anime front? Er yeah, got 7 to watch in total now. I'll probably have over 10 by monday, which'll give me something to do, that's for sure. Till next time.


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