Sunday, July 16, 2006

Not going to make it.

Work went vaguely well. Again the morning was quiet, and everything exploded into activity in the afternoon, but thanks to a small respite I was able to ask if I could be taken off the tills to replenish all the bags as many tills were running out. At first the answer was no, but when I kept asking, and after a few more tills kept calling for more bags, I was eventually allowed. I actually managed to spend nearly an hour and a half of the last 2 working hours of my day on that mini job, and then I did returns, collecting all the items that customers suddenly decided they didn't want at the till. I only had to spend 10 minutes out of those last 2 hours on a till, just to relieve the pressure of closing time where all the tills get swamped with customers. That was quite a nice afternoon therefore, and not too bad really. After work I went round my girlfriend's place and watched as her family played the Dungeons and Dragons board game. It went surprisingly slowly as everyone seemed to be thinking about other things. Eventually it stalled in order to watch the opening for the new series of Top Gear, and it was a funny episode. That poor caravan, it went through a lot of punishment...

When I got home I naturally went to play SRO, though it was interrupted by a call from my mum. It was vaguely difficult explaining to her that I wasn't going to America to visit, but I reckon I managed eventually. After 3 hours of constant monster killing in SilkRoad Online my wolf got to level 37, and I unfortunately remained on that level. I did however get to around 55%, and nearly finished the scales quest for the second time out of 5. This implies that tomorrow I'll be able to completye the quest twice more and get to level 38. Unfortunately I'll only have 2 more days with the gold ticket, so I doubt I'll even reach level 39. I'll quite probably get very close, but I don't tink I'll hit it. This is naturally quite disappointing, as I was aiming to hit level 40 by the time it ran out. Ah well, as least I'll have got vaguely close. Once it runs out I'll go and finish the 5 or so older quests in my quest log, and possibly return to the first city, Jangan, to get the extra chain of quests for level 35 there. They won't give me much combined, but it's better than nothing and then I'll at least have completed them. I also got round to watch 2 episodes of anime, which is better than nothing. Chevalier and a Yume Tsukai update to be exact. Yume Tsukai was pretty nifty, what with an evil serpentine dragon and the 'bad guy' getting eaten. Chevalier was also good, but in a much different way. For a start it was incredibly religious, constantly quoting bits of the Christian Bible. Plus the main male character had a slightly... odd transformation at the end in order to fight. It's worth watching for the curiosity alone, and it's well animated. That finishes everything up. I'll be resting a bit longer then it's back to SRO to make a bid for level 38. Till next time.


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