Sunday, November 12, 2006

A bad day purchase.

Again it was a bad day, but instead of skipping the post as I did yesterday I figure enough interesting good stuff has happened so I can at least make a short post. Not long after I started work, maybe 30 minutes at most, I was finally moved to the sefl-scan tills for my training. I've been going on at them for a month and a half and I finally got it. Excellent stuff. That lasted till about 2 pm, then I had to go back onto the normal till till I finished work. That wasn't so bad as by then quite a substantial chunk of the day had gone so I didn't mind at all. Also, during my break, I went and bought something I've been whining about getting for the past two and a half years - a camera. It's not incredibly fantastic, but it is 5 megapixel with 4x digital zoom and can record at 30 fp/s. That's rather handy, and the pictures it takes are ridiculously huge and yet still quite sharp. Nifty. After work I of course saw my girlfriend, and it was generally nice being able to cuddle her again. I nearly always really enjoy my time with her, yet when I have to leave as a result I tend to feel a bit low. Thankfully I'm seeing her tomorrow when the pair of us, and two other friends, are meeting up to have a meal together in the evening. That's something nice to look forwards to. At any rate I don't feel like talking about anything else, so till next time.


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