Sunday, November 05, 2006

Remember, remember.

Well I guess I 'forgot' to post yesterday. This wasn't on purpose. My last two hours with my girlfriend ahd been spent dozing off, so when I got home I felt kinda tired. I went to read law and after ten pages felt like having a little 5 minute nap to get rid of some of the fatigue. When I opened my eyes it was 9 am. Hmm. That was vaguely annoying, but oh well. At any rate work went well enough both yesterday and today, and was tolerable in both cases. Nothing overly exceptional actually happened. After work on both days of the weekend I went to see my girlfriend and it was nice being able to spend more time with her. We watched some tv together and so forth, and got to the penultimate episode of Fullmetal Alchemist (I believe). It ended with an untimely death, so it's either the penultimate episode or the one before it. After the series ends next week I'll most likely lend my girlfriend, and thereby dad also, the Cowboy Bebop series simply because it rocks. Once I got home I did a lot to avoid reading law, but eventually got round to it. Instead of reading 90-ish pages I simply finisherd one of the two chapters I had to read, the first one. I still have 50 or so pages to read in the chapter on damages, but I'll be leaving that for a while. No doubt once I've caught up in the other subjects I'll go back and finish it as from this point on I intend to do my best to keep up to date with the reading. Tomorrow I only have a single hour of lecture, so I'll be spending a large amount of time reading law, and should hopefully either finish Frameworks or Contract, depending on which one I bother to read.

Unfortunately again I've not got round to watching anime, and wasn't able to easily grab updates as Tokyotosho was down. Well damn, looks like I won't bother till it's up then. Tomorrow if I manage to get free time at all (unlikely, though I may forgo reading law for a couple of hours anyway) I'll most likely watch the 18 episodes of anime that've piled up in the last week. It shouldn't take too long with any luck, since none seem to be .mkv encodes so it's all good. I do however still have the rest of the Burst Angel and Garasu no Kantai series to watch, and as they're both in .mkv I don't see myself watching those in the foreseeable future. Ah well eh? Naturally I've not had any time to play on my PSP either, so bah in general at that. Once I'm caught up in the textbooks I have to go back and start reading up on cases, so it'll probably be a while before I get much free time again, since as I catch up I also need to maintain an 'up to date' status.... Meh.

Till next time then.


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