Wednesday, November 01, 2006


It was cold this morning. Since I didn't have a lecture till midday I went into Brighton to the little room above a clothing store which sells Magic the Gathering cards. I last went there yesterday and it was quite cool, and today I actually brought my rares. After trading in some stuff I walked away happily with some handy cards, which had some slivers in them admittedly, a deck box and a hundred card 'deck protector' sleeves. Considering the cards I got it was quite nice. Unfortunately I'd arrived in Brighton at 9 am, and the little room-store hadn't opened till 11 am. When I first got there I was slightly annoyed but went into a Starbucks and sat for an hour after having eaten a slice of cheesecake and simply read my frameworks law text book. I got through about a fifth of the reading as my mind kept getting distracted onto more interesting topics, such as the weather. Meh. After I got the cards and so forth it was back to uni for my actual lecture, and after that it was SWARM once more. Excellent stuff. It started out with Magic the Gathering, obviously, though as I'd brought my rares I ended up doing a series of trades and got several more nifty cards. One such trade, which the club president knew was in my favour, ended up with me getting his three Sliver Overlords. He figured since he wasn't using them, he may as well trade them. It was rather nice of him.

After MtG the zombies campaign started once more. Again it was pretty fun, and this time thanks to the club swap I had a guy from the hockey club joining the campaign, as well as one of the current gamer's friends turning up. There was a lot more explanation as an editor and photographer from (one of...?) the student magazine(s) turned up pretty much to record the experience, so I needed to explain how the whole gaming genre worked. Unfortunately they had to leave early, but I hope they enjoyed their time in the club. It'd be quite bad if they didn't, hmm. The campaign itself is going well, though the large group who were on the downs are progressively getting into deeper and deeper trouble. basically, three of the group are now zombies and actively hunting down a fourth member who woke up to find them homing in on him. Not a pleasant experience for the fourth guy no doubt, heh. The group who were in the Grapevine didn't do anything, and I felt sorry for the three people who had effectively got roped in to my Games Workshop mate's plan for a quarantine. It's quite safe, yes, but they've not really done anything for two weeks, and one of the most fun characters, the ex-Nam guy, is essentially being wasted. I'm going to break into that room of theirs next week for the other people's sake, to get them involved in the campaign.

Once I got home I naturally didn't have time to watch anime as I actually had to get the seminar task for tomorrow done. That didn't take too long but involved a fair amount of page flipping in my text book. Now I just have to update the forum and I can collapse and fall asleep. Hurrah. Till next time.


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