Thursday, November 16, 2006

Er... dang.

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday. That's probably because I got home from SWARM and was exhausted, so I tried reading a bit of law, failed, and went to sleep. To very briefly recap the SWARM experience yesterday, Magic the Gathering went well, though it took longer than I expected, and, without meaning to, I ended up being late to my only lecture for the day. Thankfully as the lecturer frequently spends a substantial length of time recapping the previous lecture I only actually missed the details for three cases. That's not too bad. The zombie campaign went rather well too, and I've got everyone into two groups, one of which is actually entirely made up of original characters. That's quite impressive. The uber-zombie managed to get to both groups, but only went uber on one and generally everyone was alright afterwards. One unlucky bugger got shot in the leg with a shotgun by an NPC as he was caught trying to steal his car. Whoops eh? After zombies I was in the D&D campaign once more, and that went rather spiffingly. Though I got to -9, and thereby was a single hit point away from permenant death, I was luckily stabilised and consequently healed. Not long after that we found the dwarven paladin again, and came across the main bad guy. We killed him just as the session ended, or so we all think. His slightly shiny black sword shall be mine, regardless of what the paladin says.

Today went pretty well too. I went into uni early, intending to read Frameworks as I had a stupid amount to read before the seminar. That kinda failed, as it kept making me almost fall asleep. As such I had a big breakfast, lots of sugary drinks, and felt buzzed. I went to read it again. I nearly fell asleep. Seriously, that book can cure insomnia. I gave up on it but the seminar was fine anyway, as pretty much everyone was quiet and no one at all really asked or answered any questions. Ergo I didn't stand out, woo. The lecture was similarly boring, but more engaging the the text book at least.... After that I hurried home, got ready and so forth then went out to Eastbourne and met up with my girlfriend. We spent the afternoon shopping together and I bought her a rather nice tartan top, and actually bought myself two more shirts, the first bits of new clothing (not counting underwear, socks or my work uniform) that I've got in something like two and a half years. How useful eh? After that we went back to hers and I had a long chat with her dad about work and so forth before my girlfriend and I watched the first Ghost in the Shell movie. Damn that movie rocks. Again it was unfortunate that I had to leave, but with any luck I'll be seeing her tomorrow too if she's not got much college work to do.

My spare time this weekend and in the upcoming week is going to be inhumanly restricted since it'll be week eight of uni on monday, and by week nine I need to have written an essay and case note, and have to write another essay for week ten. On the plus side I don't have Frameworks lectures in week nine, so I have more time then for the public law essay I believe. It also means I'd have thursday entirely off in two weeks. Nifty. That's all for now then, as I'm going to watch anime (and it's not even a monday! Wow!). Till next time.


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