Saturday, November 18, 2006

Work strikes again.

Another moderate day at work. I spent the first couple of hours on a normal till, then was thankfully able to get on the sefl-scan tills for an hour after my first break. I like being on self-scan, as it requires a hell of a lot less work, mainly pressing a few buttons now and then when something goes wrong and couting items. Compared to endlessly scanning items it's freaking great. It did only last an hour though, as I had to go back on a normal till since it was busy. Once back on them the day got a lot drearier and boring. Though it didn't make me feel down or anything, it was still quite mind-numbing. Also the thought of the law work I had to do wasn't encouraging at all. Bleh. After work, since my girlfriend is working longer hours for the Christmas period, I waited for a short while to be picked up. I had time to change therefore, and wore a new Primark shirt. I also bought two t-shirts today at ASDA, as they were having a 20% clothing sale and I have my usual (additional) 10% staff discount. So instead of £6 a shirt they were £4.20. How convenient and reasonably priced eh? I also bought my girlfriend's mum her Christmas present, got some chocolate for my girlfriend and I, as well as some to share with her family, and bought a ream of paper since my printer tends to eat the stuff.

Time today with my girlfriend was relaxing and happy. It was nice being able to cuddle and watch anime together. It was Rune Solider, an anime I've not seen before but which was strange and interesting enough to keep me watching. It was quite fantasy RPG-like and had a fair amount of comedy. The chocolate went down pretty well too and I was invited round to have dinner on Christmas Day since my step mum will be working and my dad will be working during the evening. That's quite cool, I get to spend Christmas with my girlfriend. I can't really think of a better way to spend it, so that's supremely excellent and something to look forward to. I do however need to get all my law work done in the intervening time, so the stress is ever present. Before I go to bed tonight I need to look through it all, pick out which essay needs to be done first, then get relevant chapters, cases and articles for it as well as noting down useful url's for the case note. It's quite a biref task really. Tomorrow after work I'll be starting to read through it, then starting monday I'll be ploughing into the damn work. Le sigh. The excitement never ends eh? I can see my upcoming two weeks filled with a lot of anguish and annoyance, having to read stupid amounts just to get select quotes and so on and so forth..... Bah. Till next time.


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