Friday, September 16, 2005


Sweet. Sweeeeeet. That's what I think of the Final Fantasy Movie. Sweeeeeeeeeet. It's like an hour and a half of pure eye-candy. The CG really is impressive, and at some points it really does look real. It's every bit as enjoyable as the FF Spirits Within film (which I also enjoyed immensely) and it now has pride of place on my hard drive, and soon on my PSP too. Though many people have stated elsewhere that it'd be impossible to follow the story unless you've finished the game, I understood it fine. Once or twice I did a bit of mental backtracking, but it flowed quite well and the kind-of-summary at the beginning was helpful. As long as you're relatively quick on the uptake, and remember wo is who, it's easy to follow. I won't go into the plot, or scenes, here at all since it really is a good movie and you should see it yourself, but suffice to say I reckon it's a damn good story, and it flows nicely.

I treated my friend at college to a DVD disc with the movie burnt on (after rubbing it in his face that I already had the movie) and that made his day. He was so excited it was almost worrying. Almost, since the excitement was understandable and he's a complete Final Fantasy nutter. On not related news, I managed to read chapter 195 of the Bleach manga. Oh damn yes, the plot is getting excellently cool. You can tell I'm easy to please when it comes to CG, anime, or manga, heheh. Now I'm anticipating the next chapter eagerly. Not only that but Lunar released episode 49 ridiculously fast, which was deeply impressive, and so I said goodbye to Bleach Society's version and hello to Lunar's. It's not that the Bleach Society are a bad group, far from it, they're very good. I just prefer Lunar overall due to the subbing font and quality, plus it makes my collection consistent.

In college lesson-wise nothing much happened except I've now got 2 pitifully small homeworks which isn't all that bad at all, and it should take me less than 30 minutes to finish them both when I can be bothered. Excellent. So, till next time I guess, since there's not much more to talk about.


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