Thursday, September 15, 2005


Well college today was marginally eventful. I played my friend on the PSP, Wipeout Pure and Coded Arms. I got beaten severely every time, but it was fun to play and receiving good head shots is actually slightly enjoyable, for pure entertainment value. Other than that lessons were the usual mix of boredom, happy chatting with friends, and some learning thrown in as an afterthought for good measure. After college I popped into Games Workshop, but since the games night no longer runs on a thursday, and because the hobby night wasn't on at my mate's house I ended up coming home early. Still, at least I got to see more mates.

This evening I downloaded and watched the latest Bleach and naruto eps, and in Bleach seeing another funky hollow was cool. Seeing Hinata in Naruto was much better, though in some parts she didn't look as well animated as usual. Ah well, nothing is perfect, and it was nice seeing her anyway. However I made a far more important discovery. On, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is up for download, as is the DVD extra's, and subbed too. Just. Hell. Yeah. Booyah. The only thing was, the tracker is currently down. Well that's no problem, I looked on other torrent sites and found a hard coded version (subs are in the same file as the movie, not seperate) which is even better. That way once it's done I can also compress it into MPEG4 and put it on the new 512MB PSP memory card when it arrives in a few days. Excellent, mwahahaha. I fully plan to buy the movie on DVD when it comes out, but this is too good a chance to miss, seeing it this early. Good stuff. At any rate it'll be another 2 hours and 25 minutes till it finishes downloading, and I'll be able to view it in all it's FFVII glory. Mmmmm. Till next time.


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