Sunday, September 18, 2005


What an eventful Saturday. I spent my time sleeping, DVD burning, watching FFVII: AC (on TV, gotta love VOB files), listening to music, eating dinner idely, and watching more tv. Ooh, the excitement never ends at my house. I did a little bit of work on the forums today too, but that wasn't time consuming. I also finished my first homework in 2 minutes, which was entertaining. Not only that, but recently in Achaea I quit my position as a Guide. This means (and has already made a noticable difference) that I have more spare time, at least 5 hours a week. With college this is far more relaxing now, and gives me time to actually rest.

Not much has happened anime and manga-wise, and even though it's the weekend I haven't got any plans, so it looks like it'll be a quiet time where I gain a lot of sleep. Hurrah. Thankfully the second homework is for Tuesday and is about the same length as the previous one, it just needs the use of a library to look up some definitions in a specific text book. The joy of sociology. Ah well, I guess till next time.


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