Friday, December 02, 2005


Good news, good news indeed. My dad contacted our internet broadband provider at my request and they've upgraded my 512 broadband to 2MB for free, and they're sending the installation disk again to help with my new computer. Not only that but I actually ordered all the parts for my computer today, and they'll arrive at my mum's house on monday. MONDAY. God damn that's good! By the middle of next week therefore I shall have a nice, new, much better, faster PC with a 300GB hard drive for all my anime and manga needs. Sweetness. SWEETNESS! A huge thanks to my mum for making this possible. All I'll need is for my friend to come over to build it, and that'll most likely happen on wednesday as long as he isn't ill anymore.

Due to his illness the plan may be slightly delayed, but once the disc from the internet provider arrives I should be able to set up internet on the craptacular computer still in my room. That will be handy till the new one comes into fruition. So hurrah, huzzah, and all that jazz. Not only that but the hard drive for my new machine will be 300GB for all my anime and manga needs. That's pure amazingness. On tuesday I'll be getting a bunch of anime from my friend, so I'll have many many updates to watch and even more stuff to put on the new computer when it's built. Since my old hard drive was only a measly 40GB I'm going to have a lot of fun filling the new behemoth up. Woohoo! You can tell I'm excited. Anyway, till next time.


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