Monday, January 30, 2006


It was another short day at college today, since due to no psychology I managed to finish at 1.05pm. It was quite nice getting to go home early, and I aptly spent the time firstly reading webcomics, then happily watching anime. I've now seen the first 10 episodes of Grenadier, out of 12, and both the remaining episodes will finish downloading in the next 8 minutes or so. All in all that's good news. The plotline is, as expected, not amazing, but the animation quality is good and the fight scenes are pretty funny. Now it's nearing the end there are real promises for the most amazing and true gun-kata fights, so that'll be something good to watch. After I finish watching the series I'll have an hour or two on Guild Wars. This'll most likely be with my warrior so I can get him another level or two. It's not much, but it's still progress. He's still roughly in the first quarter of the game, storywise. I just paused in typing this to check Grenadier, only 4 minutes to go. Looks like it's moving slightly faster than I expected, heh. In truth I don't have much to do after Guild Wars, so I'll either play some Pangya or get earlier-than-usual sleep.

The forums have been moving quite slowly recently, most likely in part to work and education commitments tying all the regular visitors up. I don't mind that much, a small break of 'slow-flow' posts certainly helps me out, and allows me do move my time elsewhere. Generally this is anime and Guild Wars, heh. For tomorrow I'll probably have another vaguely boring college day, since after first lesson I actually have 4 hours of free period (thanks again to psychology). This means I'll definately either - read a lot of Neuromancer again, or chat to a large amount of friends. At any rate I'm looking forwards to Games Workshop after college since it'll be good to have a few games of Blood Bowl or Warhammer 40,000. Stopping rather abruptly, that's it for all the news today since not much has happened at all. As such, till next time.


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