Thursday, January 26, 2006

Second posting.

Well this is the second time I'm writing this, since the first time didn't send properly and I forgot to highlight it all and save. That sucks, but oh well. Today at college was normal for the most part, but there were a few good aspects. One of my friends decided to change her image slightly. She basically went from a really cute girl, to a damn sexy one. This was obviously quite.. strange to notice, since I'm so used to how she normally looks. It was still a very good look for her, so chatting to her brightened up my morning. Yeah, it shows I can be quite shallow, but I can't help appreciating incredibly attractive girls. I consider it an appropriate weakness, heh. Sociology was pretty fun too, It involved me chatting to the whole class instead of doing much work, though I still managed to finish it all. It took marginally longer. The conversation was quite random, but it certainly makes lessons more memorable. I'm not too fussed about passing or failing sociology really. I only took the subject to fill up my timetable since I didn't want to do english literature, politics or history. I dislike all three of those intensely. I'm only actually still on the sociology course since my 2 teachers for it are nice people, and if I do pass then I'll have another qualification to amaze employers with.

After college was Games Workshop, and I ended up playing a game of Man O' War. It's a nifty 'naval' game, and is basically Warhammer played on a larger scale with fleets. I got so horribly butchered in the first turn of the 4-way game, that by the beginning of turn 2 I'd already lost a few ships and most others had been damaged. My luck (and the wind direction) was so appalling that it was practically laughable. My opponents took use of that, laughing quite a bit. Even though I lost miserably it was still an enjoyable game to play, so I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time. After that I came home and watched the newest Naruto ep. It was reasonably good for a filler, and marginally closer to the whole manga 'feel'. It was still a bit strange where Naruto got beaten, considering in the past he'd kicked guys like Gaara, but I suppose consistency isn't the forte of filler episodes. Interestingly it's been stated that the Bleach filler arc will end with the febuary 14th special. After that it'll resume following the manga, and I'm fully looking forwards to seeing and hearing my favourite characters in the anime. Other than that yet again there isn't much to say. Here's hoping that this post goes through. Till next time.


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