Thursday, January 12, 2006

Just made it.

Heh, I almost forgot to make a post today. That would've irked me slightly since I would've remembered tomorrow. Keeping this place updated with random goings on helps me get into a rhythm, allowing me to do everything else pretty much to a happy sequence. At any rate not much happened today. I went to classes, finished off an exam question in Sociology, listened to more 2Sense since I'm going through 2 the Ranting Gryphon's show archive, chatted to friends etc. As for the shows I've now heard the first 15, all at an hour or so long. There's about 88 overall. This could take a while since I manage one a day, and don't always listen to one. The forums are also nice and updated, so that's relaxing too. I could choose to watch anime, but since only 2 episodes of Neo Ranga are done I figure I'll wait for a few more to watch all in a row. Though there's 48 episodes and I've only watched the first 2, they're only 15 minutes long. Since I watch hardcoded subbed anime at twice normal speed this is only about 6 or 7 minutes after I miss out the credits. Therefore a little marathon with many eps at once is better than just watching 2 and needing to wait ages for the next few.

I've been practicing the diablo/diabolo since 2 of my friends own one now. It's quite funny, I can manage throws easily, and can get 4 bounces. The 5th always fails since by then the spin's near the end, but oh well. There's one other trick I can occationally manage, but that's about it. It's not too bad for roughly an hour or so of practice. Other than that not much has happened, though I did colour a picture for one of my diabolo mates in photoshop. He'd already coloured it, but wanted me to do it too, probably for a different viewpoint. It was a pretty good fox picture. After that I did yet more law revision, which was tedious to say the least. The main problem I have is associating case names with facts. I know the points of law, what happens in the cases, and the theories, it's just the damn case names. Oh well. Unfortunately this'll have to be the end of today's post since I've simply run out of stuff to talk about. Whoops. Till next time.


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