Sunday, January 08, 2006


Well late yesterday and today I decided to play some Guild wars, and I had a lot of fun. Yesterday I spent a good few hours plwing through the game and managed to complete 2 of the last 3 missions. Today I nailed the last one. That means my character has effectively 'finished' the game mission-wise. It's now possible for me to change secondary classes which will open up quests everywhere allowing me to get more skills etc. It's tempting to simply cycle through all the classes to unlock as many skills as possible then create a damn good PvP character. The main downside is that I think changing seconday class gives a negative effect to overall armour, but meh. It's either that or create a whole new character, which I may do anyway. My character only need to the two finishing quests, defending Droknar's Forge and North Kryta respectively, before the whole game's plot is done. Then it'll be a wait till march for Chapter 2 to be released, heh.

I've also managed to get up to episode 20 of Full Metal Panic. Since I've already watched FMP Fumoffu I can move straight onto FMP The Second Raid once I finish the first series, and that should happen tomorrow. Though a good deal of the Second Raid needs to be downloaded I have the first 6 episodes ready and waiting, so that's all good. I've also noticed that my 100th blog post was 3 days ago. It didn't really dawn on me till now, so 'woo' I guess. It's yet another vaguely missed milestone. I guess I need to aim for 150 now. Not many to go then. I'll most likely go to bed early again today, I seem to be getting tired much easier lately after being up since 6am. Since I usually get up later that could be why, but it's probably through overuse of the computer since it makes my eyes feel quite heavy after 10 or so hours straight. It's most likely going to make me horribly myopic, or rather moreso since I'm already very shortsighted, so meh again. Till next time.


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