Monday, January 16, 2006


I overshot posting by a bit so I set this post back 2 hours to get it on the right date. It's cheating I know, but meh I don't care. At any rate I spend most of today revising law cases. There's 135 different law cases to learn, and I'm pretty ok with most of them now. I just need to learn 'parrot fashion' which cases are for which section. If I can get it to that stage then the exam will be simple since I can note down all the relevant cases before I answer the actual question. It makes things flow a lot smoother. On happier news I bought a diabolo too. It's a slightly smaller one (and therefore lighter) so it's spin duration isn't as long as the larger versions. I also need to get a proper nylon cord instead of the 3-twist twine stuff it came with. It's not too shabby though, in that I can still do the tricks I already know on it, so I'm sure it'll get better. My dad is going to get some heavy duty washers for me to attach to both sides. This'll obviously bult the weight up, allowing it's overall spin speed and duration to increase whilst still being small enough to perform quite a few nifty tricks. So all in all it's pretty good really.

In Guild Wars I didn't manage to do any more big quests since they kept going wrong, and I kept failing regardless of which group I was in. They are ridiculously hard quests. Damn. Eventually I decided to make my second keepable character anyway, and made a Warrior/Necromancer cross. It's pretty cool whacking something in combat whilst at the same time stealing it's life through necro skills. The plan works, mwahaha. Well on low level creatures in Pre-Ascalon anyway. I'll probably finish as many as the Pre-Ascalon quests as I can be bothered with before killing my way to level 7. After that I'll go to Post-Ascalon (i.e. not the newbie area) and I'll be able to get gold from my other character, as well as handy weapons for a warrior. That way I'll be able to be run straight to Droknar's Forge to buy the best armour in the game, then I can happily chop my way through all the missions. All in all I'll more than likely have my warrior up to level 20 and ascended within 2 months if I play the same amount as I do now. Considering it's gone down to just a few hours every few days that's not too bad really. At any rate, till next time.


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