Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Ahah, I happen to be making posts consistently on time now. Admittedly I only have a few days to base this fact on, but it's a fact none the less. Since today, happy wednesday, was the usual half day of college I got to relax at home even more. This was naturally marred by the presence of homework. True, it was only 1000 words of english language work, but the annoying factor was the requirement to write it in a style suitable for 8-12 year olds. I can write parody rather well, and I like to think I have a reasonably good writing style. My main weakness is writing styles based on age groups. Most of the time I need a ridiculous amount of reference material to copy a style, and even then it can get a bit dubious. At any rate I tried the usual method of writing for younger people - simplifying the lexis and grammar used, and adding more term explanations. With any luck I'll get a good grade. Though it doesn't count for anything, it's still a practice of the real exam I'll be taking in june, so if I do well now it's a very good sign. The only other work I had to do was a small law task, and I finished that in 5 minutes before my law class today so it wasn't exactly anything taxing.

The only other activities I've really been doing today are listening to music, typing, and watching yet more anime. The Bleach filler arc goes on, but I'm still enjoying it. Unfortunately my hopes of the new characters being similar to Onimorte, a 'Shinigami from hell' idea created on the forum I administrate, was dashed since they were revealed to be mod-konpaku. On the plus side the filler arc will end on Valentine's Day, at which point it'll resume with following the manga. I'm intensely looking forward to seeing all the Arankaru being depicted. Ulquiorra is damn cool. There's not been much manga around for me to read so that's unfortunately been on a hold. What's also on a hold is my job-seeking. This is purely down to my apathy and complete lack of motivation. I'll most likely get around to it eventually, but not right now and I doubt in the near future. Possibly by the end of the month. On a slightly more enthusiastic note I need to thank Ringthane, who now classes as a 'regular' here due to his comments. Cheers! As I glance at Azumanga Daioh's download speed and sigh inwardly I shall leave you all again. Till next time.


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