Saturday, February 25, 2006


I didn't really do much today. I felt quite ill when I woke up this morning, so spent pretty much all the day in bed trying to sleep it off. I ended up getting out of bed at 7pm or so, and then just had dinner. I feel reasonably ok at the moment. I did have stomach pain and a headache which isn't a good sign since apparantly a bug is going round with those as the first symptoms. Since I feel kinda ok now I'm hoping it's passed for the most part. To while away the evening I actually did my english exam homework instead of leaving it for tomorrow. It was a pretty nasty question since it was about language change but focused on text messaging speech. That only covers a few aspects, such as acronyms, abbreviations, social attitudes and so on and so forth. It pretty much misses other methods of language change, such as amelioration, perjeration etc. At any rate I wrote it and decided never to choose that style of question in the exam. here was a choice of two as per usual, but we'd already done one of them in class unfortunately. After that I just watched some Bill Bailey, mostly his Bewilderness show but currently Part Troll is on as 'background'. Not only that but for the sheer thrill of it I partly tidied up my computer and I'm back down to only using 85.4GB out of the 340GB I have.

I finally burnt the rest of Kiddy Grade to DVD, as well as the Teen Titans series 5 and the Hellsing OVA. That added to my DVD collection, and soon I'll need yet another shelf. Later after this post and when I finish updating the Soul Society forums I'll be holding yet more riddles on Skype to see who else can win the chance to get a rare item on the forums. It may not uniformly fair, but it's certainly an interesting method of doing it. It'll be the last riddle session today, so I'll most likely make it 'first to 3' or something. On the actual forums my Latenter character is finally in a fight. It's good in that I'm against the person who's second strongest on the forum, so I can fully let my character go mental and full power. I've not really missed my second character Jacob since I killed him off, as he didn't do much anyway. Being a storyteller means that mostly I only control NPC's, as my character can't do much for fear of killing people or ending an arc too soon. Other than that prospective activity I'll probably check up on anime and manga updates, as well as the webcomics I read. Games have taken a side path today since I don't feel like playing any. Tomorrow I'll hopefully get up early since I need to go hunting for yet more job opportunities, as well as go to Brighton to get the next issue of NewType USA. With any luck they'll still have a copy. Till next time.


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