Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nearly done.

Yet another sleep in blessed me today, though not by much. I got up by midday because I didn't really feel like staying in bed too much. Even with more time in the day I didn't really get around to watching any Great Teacher Onizuka at all. Since it's dual audio with soft subs I can't watch it at double speed since the subtitles overlap. I usually watch anime at double speed since that way I get to watch a lot more in one go and I can have truly crammed marathons. Since I'm a very fast reader it's easy for me to pay attention to both the subs and what's happening, so I don't lose out. Soft subs destroy this however. It's unfortunate, but it looks like it'll take me a long time indeed to watch 43 episodes of GTO. Luckily I have other projects lined up, namely Chrno Crusade and Gantz. I also plan to get the anime Boys Be... as it's a familiar genre that's been subtly changed. Usually it's the girl that's forlorn and is only just experiencing love, but in Boys Be.. it's from the guy's perspective as they enter the realm of relationships for the first time. It's an interesting premise, and combined with the other two series I want to watch it'll probably be my 'relaxation relief' from all the action anime I watch.

In yet further anime news I managed to watch Mai Otome 17. That was an incredible episode. The sheer scale of bad guys was nifty, and the good twist for some of the characters was well done. The only drawback was that it immediately made me want episode 18. I still want episode 18 now, though I know it's not going to happen. I want to see what happens with Sergey, Akira and Nina. It's all very intricate, and the emergence of the Black Diamond to fight the Azure Star is quite intriguing. Not only was there Mai Otome goodness, but the next episode of Solty Rei has been released. That is of course excellent news, so I'm currently downloading it from IRC and I should be watching it not long after this post is finished. Unfortunately I had to stop my torrent for the Bill Bailey Bewilderness DVD, but that only has an hour or so to go anyway, so it won't exactly take too long to set back on track. Even now there's only 15 minutes to go, which is excellent news for me. It's a soft sub format, but I don't mind with Solty Rei since it's one of my favourite shows so deserves more of my time. The only other things I've been doing today is keeping the Soul Society frum going. I've made quite a few posts today, helping boost my opost count yet again. Soon I'll probably reach the 2.5k post mark. Considering it's a smallish forum, that's a ridiculous amount. Till next time then, Solty Rei beckons.


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