Monday, March 20, 2006

Barely, again.

Thanks to a bath I only just barely made it to start posting this within my self-imposed deadline. Lessons, apart from english, were naturally quite slow. Apparantly I had english language homework for today which I wasn't aware of. As such I spoke with my teacher before lesson and he actually said I didn't have to do it, since he 'wasn't worried' about my standard of work. Now that's nifty. I still wrote up some skeleton notes instead of an essay, just so he could see that I was at least bothered. I figure I should be able to get away with it in the future then, heh. Other than that, nothing much happened today, except I bright my Orzhov and Golgari decks to college and won a few games. Not too shabby really. The Orzhov deck rocks. It's my style of play, a slow burn black deck which slowly chips away at the opponents life whilst replenishing my own. It was really funny when my mate tried to use a black and white deck he made, and it failed badly. I had a card which meant that whenever he attacked with a creature he took 1 damage. He was only attacking with 2 creatures a turn out of 7 for ages, and I kept blocking with my 'block cycle'. This involved having one card which created a 1/1 spirit token every time a black creature died. I also had the Skeletal Vampire, which could endlessly create more 1/1 bat tokens with enough mana, which just so happened to be black. Heheheh. Lots of crappy blockers o patiently wait and chip away at his life with.

I also managed to get through quite a fair amount of anime. I finished watching the Yakitate and Mai Otome updates, as well as the 7 episodes of Aria the Animation I had left to watch. That means that I only have the 2 episodes of GunGrave to watch now, which will probably become 5 or 6 by morning. Since wednesday is always a half day I'll have adequate time then to polish those off, and any more that manage to finish by then. After I've got all of GunGrave, which'll probably still be about a few days, I'll most likely get Planetes. After that it's Starship Operators and my torrent queue will be empty yet again, at which point I hunt for another series or two. I'm not too sure what to go for next though, so I'll most likely ask around or check the upcoming issue of NewType USA, which I always find useful for several ideas. I have quite a few shows lined up that I'm waiting for to even air in Japan. Some are still being made, heh. At any rate I've been spending a lot of time listening to the Stigma album by Yousei Teikoku. Oh sweet Jesus it rocks seven ways to sunday. It's like a mix of video game, gothic and trance music. It is the best music I have heard in a long, long white. Dang. If you can find it, go get it! Till next time then.


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