Monday, March 13, 2006


College was fantastic today. It didn't have anything special really, and I didn't even see many of my friends. I didn't play cards, and I didn't actually have overly long conversations with people. Hell, even the lessons were merely 'passable', though law was as entertaining as usual with the usual crowd. In fact, on face value alone it was a bog standard day. However one thing made it shine above everything else. Yes, you guessed it. PSP homebrew. I spent nearly all of my free time playing Dragon Warrior monsters on the goodness that is my PSP, and the time I wasn't playing that I generally filled up with Street Fighter Alpha3 Max. The two games combined revitalised my day, and made it that much better. I got into Dragon Warrior Monsters so much that once I got home I looked up the general breeding lists to work out how to get the monsters I used to have when I played the game on the Gameboy Colour (which I still have, right where I can find it since I played on it before getting homebrew). I still occasionally wonder why my game cart suddenly lost it's save data, but oh well. Now I can rebuild my strength with the magic of the PSP. This means I can happily save, exit, and listen to fuky music before starting again. Ah, the wonder of it all.

Of course being the otaku I am I easily set aside time for anime. I watched more of Kanon, and now there are only 2 episodes and a special left. The turnover rate of the characters certainly picked up, with one apparantly going out of the picture due to an improved life, and two disappearing through various means. Others simply haven't been in as much focus, so I can only hope and assume that they'll at least be around at the very end of the series. It'd annoy me more than anything if their stories were just left unfinished and unexplained. It would possibly class as 'vexing'. Other than that however I've only managed to watch he 5th episode of Rec, which actually gave (as far as I can tell) a good insight into the voice acting profession in Japan. I can only judge by what I've read about it before, but it fits the bill so has that extra realism for me. I'm still in the process of getting Solty Rei episode 19, since the torrent happens to be vaguely slow. Ok, I'm being polite. God damn slow. Torrents quite often puzzle me as to why the speed fluctuates wildly even when there's a constant amount of seeds. No doubt it's a simple reason, but meh. Kinda annoying all the same. At any rate I'll have the episode before I go to bed, so I'll at least be able to see it today. Since that's an end with good news, till next time.


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