Saturday, March 11, 2006

Kanon characters.

Ohohoho! The wonderful pun definately intended. For those of you who didn't get it, it's a play on 'canon' since I've started watching the Kanon anime, and there are certaily quite a few characters. Ok, admittedly it's not a good pun, but meh. I only have so much to work with afterall. I've only seen the first 2 episodes, and it does seem similar to Air with the character designs and such. That's probably because the game it's based on is made by the same company who made the Air game. No doubt they'd be similar then eh? The general premise is different, and it does seem kinda interesting in that 'Oh look, another anime where a main character has forgotten some of his past. How nice.' way. It may seem like bog standard fare at first, but the sheer amount of people who know the main character from the past is quite amusing, and lots of people in Nyanko rave on about it being great. I guess I may as well give it a chance, plus when I see the beginning of an anime I'm usually curious enough to try and finish it. I've decided not to get Madlax, since I browsed around and many people tiold me it was rubbish when compaired to Noir. The reviews pretty much agreed. Therefore I had a look at Noir, and most places said that was bad too. So meh, I guess I'll stick with all my currently running series.

I still haven't seen the second episode of Shinigami no Ballad, but no doubt I'll see it today. I mostly slept in for the morning, then when I finally got up I had to trek into town to get a haircut. The new style's ok I suppose, and it certainly got rid of my scruffy locks. Even so since it was cold outside after the haircut my nexk felt like it was turning to ice. Meh. Other than that I mostly spent my time on my computer as always, randomly looking around at PSP homebrew options. Since I don't have Grand Theft Auto on the PSP it's all a bit pointless, but if I was ever going to get it I may as well know about it. Plus one of my college friends uses his PSP for nothing other than homebrew. It's a bit weird really, he doesn't even play PSP games that much, just Game Boy Colour games, SNES, Sega, etc etc on his PSP through emulation. It's good an' all to be able to play other games on the PSP, but I still think it's strange to actually miss out the PSP games themselves. Ah well. All I'd really want is etal Slug 3 on there. That game kicks so many types of ass (wow, American spelling...) so it deserves to be on such a good handheld console. Still, it'll be ages before a really fast NeoGeo emulator turns up I think, since the current ones are supposed to be incredibly better than before, and they're still slow. Ah well, that's again about it. Till next time.


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