Friday, March 10, 2006

Manga v2.

Yet again it was just a boring friday really. nothing much happened at college at all, with the xception of a particularly long game of cards which took nearly two hours to finish. The guy I was playing, one of my mates, is definitely improving, and as a result the game kept going back and forth constantly. In the end I managed to finally end the game with a decisive (and damn fast) move which was a relief. Other than that it was business as usual, so that pretty much results in a lack of material for the blog. As such I'll move onto anime and manga post haste. I finished watching the Boys Be... series, and it ended on a slightly ambiguous, if hopeful, note. I suppose not much more could be asked of it really for a 13 episode series, but overall it was worth watching I feel. Some of the situations really hit home in how similar they were, so it was definitely interesting at the very least. Other than that the only other thing happening is the release of the second episode of Shinigami no Ballad apparantly. I didn't know it was released so soon, so I'll have to go search for it. I'll most likely start up the torrent after this post, whilst I continue reading manga. That's the other method with which I've been using my time this evening.

As of yet I've only read the first 6 volumes of Gantz, but since it doesn't seem to take long at all I'll most likely have finished the current 19 volumes by the time I go to bed. It's so far just like the anime which I enjoyed a lot, and which prompted me to get the manga in the first place. Since it's longer no doubt the strange anime ending won't occur, and it'll actually go on properly, and I don't think it's even finished yet. Currently 227 chapters are out, and I have the first 226. It's certainly something to do, heh. The artwork is great, but I get the feeling that Oku Hiroya works try to push the 'pretty girl' genre a bit too far. A good example of this is the gratuitous topless pictures of girls with a large bust. I'm not really complaining, but it's not exactly needed in gantz at all, and without it the manga would probably class as a bit more serious. Fan service can be funny, but it's not needed at the start of every second chapter or so. Even so, the fighting scenes are fantastic, though the gore looses a tiny bit of effect when it's monochrome. That's one advantage the anime had, moving spurting gore. The manga is still dramatic though, so no doubt all the stuff that wasn't included in the anime will be a blast to read. Yet again, till next time.


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