Thursday, March 16, 2006

The interview.

The sheer amount of times I got asked why I was wearing a suit today was insane. Just totally insane. I actually bothered counting my replies of 'It's for a job interview after college.' but stopped at 25, and that was only a small part of the morning. I got quite a few compliments on how smart and good I looked in a suit, so it still brightened up my day regardless of the constant hassle of explaining why I was dressed so formally. I also got quite a few interested looks, so I figure it's a win all round, heh. Maybe I should wear a suit into school more often. The day overall was prety nifty, though it was lessons as usual. I gave in my law essay with '13' clearly marked on top, being the number of how many cases I used in it. Since my teacher said 5 was enough for good marks I fully expect her to keep to her word, mehehehe. I mostly doodled during english, and it was the first time in all of my college days that I was told off for it, since my english teacher seemed rather dispairing at my apparant lack of effort. Thankfully I still answered all her questions well, so it wasn't that big a deal, just unusual. Once college finished I had to hurry to get a train purely to be on time for the job interview.

The interview itself went very well indeed. It was a group one with 14 people overall including me, and I turned out to be the only one wearing a suit. That seemed to catch the various manager's eyes, so I guess that aspect in the reasoning for wearing one worked. Firstly there was a task where all the potentials were paired up, had to talk to eachother, then introduce the other person to the group. I got paired with an incredibly attractive girl, who turned out to be interesting too. My luck was on a roll. We actually had a laugh chatting, so managed to introduce eachother to the group well. A video about ASDA followed, then another small speech. and after that there was a large team task to build the tallest possible house with cards and building blocks. The team I was in didn't do as well, but I reckon we got damn good marks on innovation and teamwork since we spent ages going through the various ideas. A tour of the large store followed, then it was back into the original meeting room to finish up. There I got talking to another girl who was just as attractive as the previous one. What really made me happy was that both girls assumed I was around 20 years old, rather than my true age of 17, due to the way I dressed, spoke, and how I 'was really smart' according to one. Obviously that was a bit of an ego boost to say the least. Once time forms were filled in about when people could work it was time to say bye, and I wished the girls luck and came home. All in all I actually really enjoyed the group interview. They're a surprisingly good way to meet new people, heh. By next monday or tuesday I'll get a letter saying whether I got a job or not, but from the reactions of the managers present, who only actually seemed to specifically talk to me and wished only me goodbye by name, I think I've done more than well enough to get the job. With the rate of pay they offer I will be happy indeed if I do get it. Till next time then.


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