Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Ah, yet another passable day at college. I spend most of my time playing cards (yet again) and winning most of the games. Thankfully In those I didn't come last due to multiple players, so I suppose it was quite a lucky day at college. By far the most memorable lesson was sociology. Instead of opting to use my time to actuallyplan an essay, I was one of the 3 people who chose to watch a video about faith schools and selection processes. It was a program that had been on tv the previous day, but I didn't feel much like writing an essay. At any rate it was quite interesting, and one point had me laughing so hard I was almost in pain. The interviewer was speaking to a christian head master of a school, who stated he believed the bible, notably genesis, had equal weight of truth as scientific explanation of evolution and so forth. At this point the interviewer stated that he could think of the head master as being made of 'Red Leister cheese' and how it should be equal weight due to it being his opinion. Some seriously funny stuff with the way the interviewer acted, and how incredulous he got. Fantastic scope of facial expressions, heh. The rest of the day was fairly bog standard, so it wasn't that important really.

However after college, since it's a tuesday today, I went to Games Workshop. Yet again I managed to play 3 games, and each were certainly great fun for me. I annihilated my opponent in the first, did the same in the second, and in the third my opponent only had a single man left so it was a definite massacre. This makes a winning streak of about 12 games over 4 weeks. That's not bad. That's not bad at all. In fact that's pretty damn harsh, heheheh. I also managed to get more DVD's from Poundland whilst down there, so hurrah for anime burnage. On that note, I actually have a fair amount to watch now. Thanks to a reasonable speed for Neo Ranga I now have 14 episodes to watch, which will escalate to 27 by tomorrow morning when the torrent actually finishes. I've also just got the Tsubasa movie. I'm not sure if it's the same as the xxxHOLIC/Tsubasa crossover movie, but it didn't take long to get over IRC so meh, no big deal if it's a repeat. I should be able to watch all of the remaining Neo Ranga, the two movies, and the Plastic Little OVA (finally) tomorrow since wednesday is always a short day. Hurrah for spare time with which to fill with anime. No rest for the otaku eh? Till next time.


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