Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Return of the Animarathon.

Today was, in theory, a really short college day indeed. I turned up for law and that went well, then it was sociology. Only 3 of the class turned up. This was because at Sussex University a 'Higher Education Open Day' was being held, where Universities from all over the country hand out information to prospective students. It's almost mandatory for first year students, so the other two who turned up to the lesson were naturally both second year taking a first year filler subject, like myself. The lesson was therefore cancelled, though for something to do I drew a large picture of myself in chibi form over the class whiteboard. No doubt it'll get all kinds of crap drawn on it, but oh well. Insted of going home though I found my main 'Magic the Gathering' friend who was on a free period and I managed to get another game in. My deck worked perfectly, I got a large defensive screen up, enchantments to dissuade him from attacking, and constant life-stealers whittling away at his life. The funny thing was that he also managed to get his deck to work perfectly, all apart from the actual attacking. As he said, "Against a normal deck this would win me the game. Damn." That had me quite amused to say the least. After that it was home as usual. My plan was to watch the 10 GunGrave episodes I had to catch up on, and possibly any others that finished downloading. Well, as this post's title suggest, it went a tiny bit further.

I found out that in fact the first 3 episodes of Ergo Proxy had been released, so I'd downloaded them overnight. Not only that but Dattebayo had done their usual joke release to fill in the missing anime episode, so I got that too. It turned out to be a program all about little chain reactions, where a ball rolls down a tube, hits something to trigger more movement, etc etc all down to a little flag and such. It was only 15 minutes, but still fun to watch. It must take ages to set each one up. After that I ended up watching the 2 Ergo Proxy episodes, and they were just as good as the first. Vaguely dramatic too. The series seriously looks good, and I'm looking forward to the further releases. The rest of my evening was then completely eaten up by GunGrave. I'm not kidding either, I sat and watched the whole remaining 22 episodes as they downloaded. All 22. Yeah. The ending was quite a good one considering the series, and it gave a proper sense of closure unlike some others I've watched. Overall then I've watched 24 episodes of anime, and one little 'joke' episode. Not too shabby. I've also just started getting Melody of Oblivion, since I spotted it whilst browsing torrents, and the rest of Gun X Sword by the group SHRIMPS. They're not exactly brilliant from what I've heard, but as long as I can understand the subtitled it's all good. After that I reckon I'll get Planetes then Starship Operators. It's always good to have a plan. Till next time.


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