Monday, April 03, 2006

Earning gold.

This morning I got up relatively early, at around 10.30am. Compared to normal this must seem like bare daybreak, but I had a valid reason. I wanted to watch the rest of Rozen Maiden, and that I did. Not only that but I watched the Mai Otome update too. Rozen had a nice ending, but not one I considered final. That perfectly suited me since I had the beginning of series 2 to watch too. Mai Otome certainly looks like it's leading up to a large finale. The last episode is going to be released at 3am tomorrow, so that doesn't help me much. At any rate tomorrow I need to get to work at 10am for the second induction day, and that'll go on till 5pm. By the time I get home no doubt I'll have the rest of Rozen Maiden: Traumend to watch. I've already seen the first 4, and I'll have watched episode 5 before I go to bed. I seem to be burning my way through anime quite quickly. After RM:T I'll most likely get Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, since my IRC friend pointed out that he'd simply send it to me, which is fair enough. Other than that the general plan is to get the second Naruto movie too. All in all Daphne and the movie should take 3 or 4 days, then I can start on Mezzo DSA or Kannazuki. Or possibly start getting what's aired of Binchou-tan. So many choices.

The induction day went quite well at work. It involved a lot of listening, and signing an ungodly amount of forms. There was also a fire safety tour, pointing out where to run, or preferably calmly walk, if you happen to be on fire. The canteen wasn't bad, but the video with examples of good customer service and such was almost cringeworthy. Acting that that practically cries out for mercy killing. I can only hope I won't look that stupid when helping a customer. Tomorrow it'll be generic health and safety, policies and a few more videos. Then on wednesday it'll be till training, and I actually start this saturday. Not too shabby really. I'll actually get first paid on the 13th, thursday of next week. That's not bad really, though due to how they work everything out a week in hand, I'll only be paid for this week. Next week, before the paycheck, fits into the next month's schedule. Still, getting paid for around 14 hours or so for an induction week, and quite quickly, isn't easily dismissed. No doubt it'll be handy in starting up my saving project for a laptop. Considering how expensive the damn things are I'll most likely have to wait 3 or 4 months, rather than my optimistic 2. Pity it can't be helped. Since my rambling is starting to waver quite a lot I shall take my leave. Till next time.


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