Saturday, May 13, 2006


As my girlfriend hadn't contacted me during the week there was no invitation to go round hers after work, so as such I was feeling slightly low when I started. I had nothing to look forward to afterall. The first couple of hours passed in a frenzy with the sheer amount of people. Since the FA Cup Final match was this afternoon I assumed everyone was around in order to get home with plenty of time to spare. After asking a few customers I found I was right. However after my lunch break, whilst serving yet more customers, I got quite a large surprise. When I looked up to the next person in line it was my girlfriend with her family. She'd specifically come to ASDA, even though they don't shop there, so she could invite me round after work. You can guess that brightened up my day immeasurably, and I sailed through the afternoon and early evening. The FA Cup also helped alleviate the pressure of all the customers, and between 3pm and 4pm, the bulk of the match, it really quietened down in the store.

After work I happily got picked up by my girlfriend and family and went round hers, and watched some more interesting TV with her. Greg the Bunny mainly, with a lot more focus on Count Blah. A puppet vampire is a strange thing to watch. We also got partly through the Akira movie as neither of us had seen it for some time, and the light trails from the bikes still impress. Instead of the Magic the Gathering games I'm now used to, I ended up playing the Pokemon trading card game against both my girlfriend and her sister, as they both play. It'd been ages since I'd last played it, and as I'd been invited round at work I didn't have my own deck of 'pwningness' unfortunately. Tomorrow I will, mwahahaha. Then it was general hanging out, messing with photoshop, all the usual really, just a lot more fulfilling.

Once I got home I looked at the time and realised I wouldn't be able to watch much anime at all. In the end I managed The Fate Stay Night update and the two newest episodes of Blood+. Blood+ continues to rock for me, since I quite like the series and the Sif especially, and Fate Stay Night finally explained who the dude in gold was. Even though I've played a lot of the game I didn't know who he was since it's all in Japanese. That makes it vaguely harder to get plot lines.... Tomorrow I'll have the final episode of Karin to watch, the Ar-Tonelico OVA to watch, and the first 2 episodes of Juuousei and Glass no Kantai which are two more new series I'm picking up, not to mention the Yakitate Japan update. If I have luck with download speeds I'll be able to see the first 7 episodes of Desert Punk as subbed by the Lunar Anime group. However as I'm round my girlfriend's again tomorrow I may just end up watching most of it on monday instead. Oh well, suits me. Till next time then.


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