Thursday, May 04, 2006

Return of the anime.

Not a bad day. Not bad indeed. I played a massive 4-way game of Magic the Gathering and came second. It was fun in that I delivered the deathblow to the 2 other losing players and put them on -1 life. I got the winner down to 5, a measly 5, before I faced the wrath of 2 Blinding Angels with no anti-flying. Well. I couldn't attack at all. That sucked, and I was placed on -1 from 29 (a slow death) but it was definitely a fun game. Other than that not much happened really. In law, my last lesson of the day, I had to write an essay for an exam problem question I hadn't prepared. As such I used my notes like the rest of the class, who also hadn't prepared, and managed to finish it in 35 rather than the full 45 minutes. That was quite nice, as it meant I was free to leave college early. Since it had been a bright sunny day it was moderately warm, so a shedload of people were milling around outside on the field. Most of them were skipping lessons too as it was a nice day. However since my eyes are very sensitive to bright light I ended up spending most of the day inside. That in itself was nice since there was a load more room. Everyone else was outside of course, apart from a few of my friends who don't go out into the light that much. I.e. fellow gamers and anime fans.

When I got home I had a lot of anime to watch, and what was even better was that I had the motivation to watch it too. I went through the remaining 12 episodes of Eureka Seven, the School Rumble 2nd Term and Naruto updates, and so far 9 episodes of samurai 7. That's 23. Not the best I've managed, but a fair amount none the less. Eureka Seven definitely got better towards the end as there was more screen time for Anemone, who finally came to become a person rather than a thing with a homicidal temper. Eureka, Renton and the kids were all slightly annoying in their own ways, but on the plus side Eureka looked incredibly cool with the whole crystalisation aspect going on. In School Rumble they finally had the cultural fair, with a few misunderstandings. Even though Harima wasn't the main focus, he still outshone the rest. The stuff he does makes me laugh time and time again, poor guy. Naruto was a bit... odd, but not the worst of the fillers. Thankfully the next filler looks promising as it's mainly about Kiba and Akamatsu being evil, so that should be interesting. From what I've seen of Samurai 7, in otherwords nearly the first half of the series, it is definitely a great watch. The fights look fantastic, and the animation is top notch. The plot's good too, and the characters all fit together in a way. I have another 3 episodes to watch tonight, which'll mean I'd have seen the first 14 of 26. By tomorrow they'll all be done, so it looks like I'll have another anime spree tomorrow too. So then, till next time.


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