Thursday, May 11, 2006

Keeping busy.

I had 2 mock exams today. Well, one a half since the english language one finishes tomorrow. In english I managed to write around 660 to 670 words out of 1000, and I have just over an hour to finish tomorrow. Not too bad really, and it wasn't that strenuous. Though I hadn't prepared the pack I did at least read it last night before I went to bed, so I managed to select the relevant sources for the question quite quickly. In law it took me 32 minutes to write a question which should have about 45 minutes spent on it. If I get a reasonable grade (which counts as a high B or A for me due to University target grades) then it's obviously a good thing. It means in the real exam I'll be able to carefully plan and structure my answers without a loss in time. I'm gradually working on answering all my various exam questions faster, as more time to reread and think in an exam, the better it will be. I played several games of Magic the Gathering today. I ended up losing the first one horribly, since the 3 other players all attacked me. Vaguely unexpected. In the second game I managed to win, and I actually inflicted all bar 5 damage on the other 3, taking them out one by one. I went to 7 or so life. Risky, but I managed it. At one point I thought I'd be obliterated. The last game ended up being a draw, since to kill me my friend had to attack, and in doing so was taking 3 damage per creature due to 3 Hissing Miasma's in play on my side of the field. Insert evil cackle here.

I finally fully 'caught up' as it were for anime, as I managed to watch the Millennium Actress movie. It was pretty good and averagely dramatic. Reality seemed to blend between the actual interview, the actress' life and the films she was in. It was as if her whole life story blended with her career. It had nothing done by computer in it apparantly, as it's reputedly all done by hand. If it is then it's quite impressive, as it flowed really well. There wasn't really anything to warrant major effects, but the lighting was done reasonably well. Overall the animation wasn't to the standard of some series airing today, but it was still very good work. The Naruto, Strawberry Panic and School Rumble 2nd Term updates were also duly watched. After the good preview in the episode before, the Naruto update lacked quite a bit of.. well, action. A giant rabid dog and 1 short scene capturing it. Hmm. Strawberry Panic hinted at more background for Etoile-sama, and ow it looks like she may be a lot more lonely than she lets on. harima in School Rumble practically stole the show again, since he's one of the funniest characters. Wait, let me correct that. He -is- the funniest character for me. The sheer amount of panic on his face during the play when he discovered he'd overslept in one of the props was classic. Yes, my sense of humour can be easily sated at times. I've also started getting the DVD dual audio rips of the first 3 Karas releases. The current ones I have total 1.29 GB's, yet the one I'm currently getting, with soft subs and an extra audio stream, only total 696 MB's. Kinda odd really, so I'll have to compare the quality. That about wraps it up. Till next time.


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