Thursday, June 29, 2006


Mwuahahahaha! My last exam was today, and the day went well indeed. I spent all morning going through my revision notes 4 times, and I was actually very worried that the choice of two questions for language acquisition would be on reading and writing, which I didn't have note for. Thankfully it was just on language acquisition in general, so I absolutely passed that one, heh. I wrote nearly the whole contents of my notes in that answer. The second question was similarly nice on language change, though I didn't put in as much effort as by then in the exam I wasn't exactly at full motivation. Still, overall it went very well and at the end I was glad that the exams were finally over. The main impact is that now I don't have to revise for anything for several months, which is excellent news. I'm not too sure when I need to go in to sign out, but I'll check tomorrow. It'll probably be some time next week or something. The result should be ready in a month and a half, so it's not too long to wait. Till then I can kick back and relax, lounging around and not doing much. Well, apart from work, my girlfriend, when I feel like going out.... Ok so I won't be lounging around much, but it's the principal that I'm more able to that counts. When I got home from college I managed to sort out my computer's problem completely. The error appeared again, but I went to the Boot Menu and checked everything. The computer was trying to boot from the non-existant floppy dick drive first, then the empty hard drive second. Okay.... Not too sure how that happened, but I set it to the right hard drive and it all boots fine now.

I've not got round to watching the 5 episodes of anime I have available, and I have yet another the get also. The reason for this is, yes you guessed it, more SilkRoad Online. After lots of grinding I'm now level 25, as is my white wolf. Since my wolf actually gets twice the experience from a kill compared to me, I decided that once she reached 99.99% I may as well get another grey wolf for 1 million gold in game. After all, I had the spare gold, and by training it and not naming it I can sell later for a nice profit of a few million. As it was, from level 24 and 50% to level 25, the new wolf went up to level 16. Not too shabby indeed, it's now only actually 9 levels behind. Since my white wolf will always reach 99.99% in half the time I do, this means I'll be able to train both wolves up quite nicely. It'll probably take over a week or so, but the grey wolf will definitely catch up. When it hits level 30, I can try selling it. Excellent stuff. Other than that I've not done much this evening, so I guess I'll just keep grinding away in SRO. Eventually I'll get the 2 current quests done... I need 200 Ghost Soldier banners and 50 Demon Horse Hooves, yet the drop rate is a single drop per 10 kills. If you're lucky. Yeah, it's taking quite some time. At any rate, till next time.


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